Table of Contents
Union County Oral Histories

- Ainsworth, Vernon
- 2007.1.31
- This interview begins with an introduction by Vernon Ainsworth's son, Merrill Ainsworth. It contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The railroad industry, the Great Depression, cherry orchards, canning, and... View Full Record

- Andrew, Helen
- 2007.1.1
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, World War II, Jews, immigration, and copper mining.... View Full Record

- Andrews, Horton
- 2007.1.2
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Prior professors and administration at EOU, some logging and mills, and World War II.... View Full Record

- Ansell, Louis
- 2007.1.32
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, but mainly focuses on Louis's experiences around the time of World War II. He served in the U.S. Army in several well-known campaigns, including D-Day and the Battle of the Bu... View Full Record

- Anson, Claude
- 2007.1.3
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Agriculture, wheat farming, haying operations, skiing, a National Ski Patrol Award, and Claude's invention of the ski hook.
The first two interviews... View Full Record

- Antles, Eleanor
- 2007.1.34
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Family members, marriage, the Great Depression, cherry orchards, farming, and local churches.
The first two interviews took place on September 9 and... View Full Record

- Bates, Ehrman
- 2007.1.35
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Working for the Union Pacific Railroad as a clerk and crew dispatcher, farming and extensive knowlege of early threshing operations, Hot Lake and the fi... View Full Record

- Baum, Jeanette
- 2007.1.4
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Philanthropy, politics, local hospitals and stores, Jeanette Baum's family, the Great Depression, and Stange Manor.
The interviews spanned three days... View Full Record

- Bean, Ariel
- 2007.1.36
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: The Mormon church, family, genealogy, Armistice Day, apple orchards, cemeteries, the Great Depression, and numerous Union County locations.
Look for mor... View Full Record

- Beckham, Jo
- 2007.1.102
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Mink farming, raising the animals and the fur exchange, working at the hospital as a Ward Clerk, running a boarding house, and health problems.... View Full Record

- Berry, Emma
- 2007.1.37
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Picking strawberries for .15 cents, churning butter, dances held in homes and Halls around the Valley, and her mother's method for boiling eggs in Hot L... View Full Record

- Bingner, (Jerry) Joel Charles
- 2007.1.39
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Local stores and shops, the Union Pacific railroad, and working as a meat cutter.... View Full Record

- Bishop, Lila
- 2007.1.33
- This interview contains memories largely related to musicianship. Both Lila and her husband Lynn played, and taught music throughout their lives. Lila was one of the first organ teachers in the Grande Ronde Valley, and Lynn taught various instrumen... View Full Record

- Bloom, Barbara
- 2007.1.43
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Owning and running the Cove General Store for many years, the Connelly Ranch, Arts Plus, nursing, cemeteries, and sounding the alarm for the Cove Volunt... View Full Record

- Bonney, Richard
- 2007.1.40
- This interview contains memories mainly related to Union, OR, and Richard Bonney's family. A multitude of pictures accompany the interview. Many of these are of Union schools, businesses, stores, and buildings.
The first interview was conducted... View Full Record

- Booher, Wade
- 2007.1.41
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War II, railroads, college sports played in Quinn Coliseum, and local businesses.... View Full Record

- Boswell, Mrs.
- 2007.1.38
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Ezra Meeker, Dunham Wright, the gold rush, early trappers, settlers, and family.... View Full Record

- Bowman, Retha
- 2007.1.42
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, teaching, Eastern Oregon College, the Civilian Conservation Camp, and hunting.... View Full Record

- Brog, Ed
- 2007.1.44
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War I, the Great Depression, and several local automobile dealerships.... View Full Record

- Brown, Anna
- 2007.1.45
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Farming, local schools, organizations, blindness, and local businesses.... View Full Record

- Brown, Bill
- 2007.1.46
- This interview contains memories mainly related to extensive work in wildlife and soil conservation. Bill Brown is a retired director of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Eastern Oregon Division.... View Full Record

- Brownton, Gerda
- 2007.1.6
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Family, local hospitals, local stores, and activity in women's organizations.
The first interview with Gerda Brownton was dated February 13, 2003.
... View Full Record

- Buckley, Ray
- 2007.1.47
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War I, the Great Depression, Iwo Jima, the Marines, fire fighting, and local schools, businesses and theaters.... View Full Record

- Burford, Opal
- 2007.1.60
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Life on a farm in High Valley, Memorial Day school reunions, churning butter, World War II blackouts, canning, iceboxes, crank telephones, and party lin... View Full Record

- Bushman, Leroy
- 2007.1.48
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The U.S. Navy, the USS Bork, railroads, local theaters, businesses, and camps.... View Full Record

- Butler, Helen
- 2007.1.49
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Mormon church, the Civil Right's movement, racial relations, hotel work, and getting a college education.... View Full Record

- Butler, Lavelle
- 2007.1.103
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Training for and becoming a nurse, patients, tap dancing, and her husband's service in New Guinea during WWII.... View Full Record

- Campbell, Alvin
- 2007.1.50
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, playing hockey, railroad employment, and military service.... View Full Record

- Carter, Genevieve
- 2007.1.51
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Eastern Oregon Normal School, teaching, a lifetime of playing music on the piano and organ, a cabin on Mt. Emily, and swimming.
The first interview... View Full Record

- Case, Wren
- 2007.1.63
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Dry land farming, field burning, the grain market, milking cows, blood poisoning, chess, and the end of the Union County Grain Growers.... View Full Record

- Cater, Charles
- 2007.1.52
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Oregon Trail, the Great Depression, World War II, military service, and local hunting and fishing.... View Full Record

- Chadwick, George & Leora
- 2007.1.54
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Local wildlife, farming, ranching, and the Cattlemen's Association.... View Full Record

- Chenault, Arlen
- 2007.1.53
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Numerous lakes, rivers, creeks, dams, areas for hunting, areas for fishing, local wild animals, and wildlife habitats.... View Full Record

- Clark, Art
- 2007.1.55
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Local rivers, local creeks, fishing, flooding, Celilo Falls, and the logging and timber industry.... View Full Record

- Comstock, Roy
- 2007.1.56
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War II, Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, and numerous aspects of fruit farming, especially Cove cherries.
The first interview took place on Janua... View Full Record

- Corriell, Ruth
- 2007.1.13
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, World War II, families, farms, hospitals, and numerous local people.
The first interview was dated January, 2003.... View Full Record

- Courtright, Verna
- 2007.1.57
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Family, the Modern Laundry, the 1915 Oregon Exam for eighth graders on numerous topics, the Oregon Heritage Tree Program, and the dedication of a Baker... View Full Record

- Crossland, Nellie
- 2007.1.58
- This interview contains memories of two main areas in Nellie's life: Growing up in rural Union County and the numerous, extensive, driving trips she took with her husband, Lloyd to Alaska for camping, hunting, and fishing.
The first two intervie... View Full Record

- Curry, Warren
- 2007.1.59
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Radio station work, the American Red Cross, blood drives, New Day Enterprises, and the Ground Observatore in La Grande which involved monitoring the ski... View Full Record

- Davidson, Florence
- 2007.1.64
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: A lifetime of philanthropic work with such entities as the United Way, the Philanthropic Educational Organization, and service as a Board Member for the... View Full Record

- Davis, Pete
- 2007.1.65
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Numerous local mines, raising cattle and horses, the Davis Cattle Company, the wrecking of the ship Alaska in Holt Bay, people who steal from those who... View Full Record

- DeLong, Lois
- 2007.1.70
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Ben Brown's diary, the Great Depression, Clydesdales, driving, cooking, and crank telephones.... View Full Record

- Delashmutt, Lou
- 2007.1.61
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Tuition for Eastern Oregon College, teaching, local schools, sheep herding, discrimination and tolerance.... View Full Record

- Dobbin, Joy
- 2007.1.66
- ... View Full Record

- Dodson, Louise
- 2007.1.7
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Family, the lumber industry, local stores, local businesses, philanthropy, various organizations, painting, and poetry.
The first interview with Loui... View Full Record

- Dowdy, Bill
- 2007.1.62
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: The Grande Ronde Bird Club, various fish and wildlife areas, soil conservation, salmon recovery, dredging, and old and new routes for canals, creeks and riv... View Full Record

- Down, Eldon
- 2007.1.67
- This interview contains memories which are largely related to: Flying airplanes and helicopters, crop dusting, aerial fire fighting, smoke jumpers, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. There are several humorous and miraculous sto... View Full Record

- Draper, LeVern
- 2007.1.14
- This interview contains extensive memories related to the railroad industry and local railroads. Also, there are numerous references to airplanes, piloting, the Great Depression, rationing, and World War II.
The first interview was dated July 21,... View Full Record

- Drummond, Wayne
- 2007.1.71
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: Extensive work directing trains as a railroad telegraph operator / dispatcher before the invention of Centralized Traffic Control. Also, the Great Depressi... View Full Record

- Easley, Carlos
- 2007.1.72
- This interview contains memories largely related to the early years of EOU. Carlos Easley was hired to teach at EOCE by President Roben Maaske during World War II when the school was partnered with the Army Air Force College Training Detachment. Ca... View Full Record

- Elder, Mel
- 2007.1.68
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Working for many years as a sign electrician and neon tube bender, building and running the first dirt auto racetrack in La Grande as a Jaycee, being on... View Full Record

- Elmer, Russell
- 2007.1.73
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War II, farm determent for the draft, County Commission chairperson position, Elmer Ranch, and very early Grande Ronde Valley schools.... View Full Record

- Evans, Jack
- 2007.1.28
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: A large variety of architectural references, pioneers and the Oregon Trail, Native Americans, World War I, and numerous local places and features.
The fi... View Full Record

- Farrow, Louella
- 2007.1.74
- This interview contains memories largely related to life as a Native American. Louella was a student at Eastern where she participated in beginning the Speel-ya Club, the Spring Powwow, and the Native American Arts & Crafts Festival. After school,... View Full Record

- Fenn, Virginia
- 2007.1.75
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, aspects of both square and round dancing with callers and dance locations named, and local events, such... View Full Record

- Fisk, Howard
- 2007.1.69
- This interview contains memories mainly related to working for the Oregon State Police's Game Commission, and developing extensive knowledge of Northeastern Oregon's wildlife and fish habitats.... View Full Record

- Fitzgerald, Helen & Pat
- 2007.1.29
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: Pioneers and the Oregon Trail, the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, local schools, operas, and the agricultural experiment station.
Four inte... View Full Record

- Flanagan, Norma
- 2007.1.77
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Growing up in the Mt. Emily Lumber Camp, logging jobs, and the utilization of railroad box cars for school classrooms.... View Full Record

- Fleshman, Dorothy
- 2007.1.78
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: Dorothy's Scandinavian heritage, an intense interest in local history, membership in several history societies and projects, music, and various aspects of a... View Full Record

- Fleshman, George
- 2007.1.79
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Being named the Chamber of Commerce's Man of the Year for 1969, as well as other awards and honors, training as an aviation navigator, local stores and... View Full Record

- Fox, Clayton
- 2007.1.8
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Agriculture, farming, canneries, local churches, and several organizations, such as 4-H and FHA.
The first interview took place in August, 2002.
L... View Full Record

- Frederick, Dr. Joseph
- 2007.1.80
- This interview contains memories largely related to the medical field, both the education requirements for becoming a doctor, and working as a doctor. Dr. Frederick was also involved in the Rock Hound's Club, and he was drafted and served as a 2nd L... View Full Record

- Fulton, Buzz
- 2007.1.81
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Earning a Master's degree, working in the school system, a lifetime passion for skiing and teaching others how to ski, working with the Special Olympics... View Full Record

- Gale, Miskell
- 2007.1.82
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Early pioneers and settlers in the region, farm life, some of the humorous trouble that her brother often got into, gypsies, and clubs that she particip... View Full Record

- Graham, Bonnie
- 2007.1.83
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Graham's Christmas Tree Farm, sheep ranching, several clubs and organizations such as, FBLA, 4-H, and Future Homemaker's of America, and local businesse... View Full Record

- Graham, Powell
- 2007.1.84
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Exalted Ruler in the Elk's, pharmacists, pharmacies, single wing and double wing airplanes, local businesses, schools, including EONS, and the Chamber o... View Full Record

- Grant, Jackie
- 2007.1.85
- This interview contains memories largely related to the advocacy and promotion of Native American, Pacific Islanders, and Hispanic interests. Jackie has been heavily involved in a number of Eastern programs, such as the Speel-ya Club, the Spring Pow... View Full Record

- Gray, John R.
- 2007.1.76
- This interview contains memories largely related to a lifetime of working for the Union Pacific Railroad. There are detailed descriptions of signal maintenance, track conditions, derailments, and runaway trains. Several other stories involve the 19... View Full Record

- Gregory, John Jay
- 2007.1.86
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War II, the Oregon Cattleman's Association, several local car dealerships, automobiles, railroads, farming and ranching.... View Full Record

- Gulzow, Ella
- 2007.1.89
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Dairy farming, Gaertner Greenwood Dairy, delivering milk from a wagon, railroad accidents, artificial limbs, and working in the diet department of St. J... View Full Record

- Hadden, Boyd
- 2007.1.88
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Boyd's position as Union County Watermaster, farming, harvesting hay, ranching, dairy cows, sports, hunting, fishing, Hadden Ranch, and the Clover Creek... View Full Record

- Hamann, Wilfred
- 2007.1.9
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War II, farming and agriculture, especially the production of grass seed and mint oil.
The first interview was dated June 29, 2002.
Look for... View Full Record

- Hawkins, Sherman & Lidie
- 2007.1.104
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Farming, cattle, working as a U.S. Navy storeperson in Australia during WWII, the Cowbelles and beef promotion, boilermaking with the Railroad, Hot Lake... View Full Record

- Hawkins, William
- 2007.1.90
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Working for the Union Pacific Railroad, extensive descriptions of railroad operations, such as braking, Foreign Aid Commission service on Guam, serving... View Full Record

- Hermann, Buck
- 2007.1.105
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Hermann Square, Hermann Trailer Sales and Rentals, Snowmobiling, the La Grande Sno-Drifters, the Oregon State Snowmobile Association, the Tollgate Trail... View Full Record

- Hermann, Lenna
- 2007.1.106
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Graduating from Eastern Oregon Normal School, student teaching at Ackerman Elementary School, teaching in Stanfield, Summerville and finally at Willow E... View Full Record

- Heryford, Glen
- 2007.1.107
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Creeks, rivers, wildlife, fishing, gold panning, mills, and dry land farming.... View Full Record

- Hibberd, Laurose
- 2007.1.10
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Farming, the Great Depression, World War II, local fairs, and numerous clubs and organizations, such as FFA, Girl Scouts, and Rainbow.
The first inte... View Full Record

- Hibbert, Gertie
- 2007.1.11
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Mormon church, World War II, the Great Depression, family, and quilting.
The first interview was dated May 28, 2002.
Look for more IMAGES in t... View Full Record

- Hill, Burton
- 2007.1.108
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Childhood mischief, being part of an airplane gunnery crew during WWII, a serious wisdom tooth incident, living in a house built by James Hendershott th... View Full Record

- Hill, Fred
- 2007.1.109
- This interview contains memories largely related to Fred's lifetime occupation as a photographer and photographic artist, and his relationships with the famous people that he studied under, including Ansel Adams and Minor White.... View Full Record

- Hoover, James
- 2007.1.110
- This interview contains memories mainly related to logging and the timber industry. Some of the other topics touched upon are mining, fishing, and beaver sightings.... View Full Record

- Hopkins, Phyllis & Albert
- 2007.1.91
- This interview contains memories largely related to teaching, and various schools, colleges, and universities.
Look for more IMAGES in the EDITED transcription.... View Full Record

- Howell, Bill
- 2007.1.92
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Bureau of Reclamation, salmon recovery, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Department, water and soil conservation, environmental issues, cattle ranching... View Full Record

- Howell, Oscar
- 2007.1.93
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Walla Walla and College Place, Legion Hall, cowboys, and local entertainment.... View Full Record

- Hoyt, Frank
- 2007.1.94
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Numerous local creeks, flooding, river channels, salmon, and logging.... View Full Record

- Hug, Bernal & Virginia
- 2007.1.95
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Bernal's book, "100 Years of Hugs," local history, both with the Elgin Historical Society, and the Union County Historical Society, photography, and a l... View Full Record

- Hug, Edwin
- 2007.1.96
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Photography, history, and some locations.... View Full Record

- Hughes, Loren
- 2007.1.97
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Activism in conservation of natural resources, and preservation of national parks and wilderness areas, dams, mountains, rivers, and wolves.... View Full Record

- Hutchinson, Ralph J.
- 2007.1.87
- This interview contains memories mainly about local automobile dealerships. Numerous aspects of the Grande Ronde Valley auto vehicle industry are explored, including selling, customer relations, financing, mechanics, shipment and delivery.
The fi... View Full Record

- Jarvis, Marjorie & Rollins, Thelma
- 2007.1.111
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Teaching, delivering rural mail, farming grass seed, the Summerville Cemetery, a lifelong friendship with Emery Oliver's family, the movie "Sammyville,"... View Full Record

- Jensen, Jack
- 2007.1.12
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, World War II, the Signal Corps, the Mormon church, the brick industry, Astronomy, and various schools and universities.
The fir... View Full Record

- Johnson, Al
- 2007.1.98
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, World War II, the Boy Scouts of America, numerous churches, railroads, shoe making, and watch making.
The first interview took... View Full Record

- Johnson, Fredarica
- 2007.1.99
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Immigrants, the Great Depression, black Americans, local hotels and motels, railroads, and logging.... View Full Record

- Jones, Bud
- 2007.1.100
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Environmental management and flood control, local sloughs and creeks, soil conservation, the Game Commission, and salmon, beavers, and beaver dams.... View Full Record

- Jones, Mamie
- 2007.1.101
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Making and selling homemade soap, working in a bank, owning and operating a grocery store, and a lifetime of active involvement with the American Legion... View Full Record

- Kelley, Lota
- 2007.1.112
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Teaching, Lota's brother's service in the Spanish-American War and World War I, music, the Kelley's Ready-Mix concrete business, and travel to many worl... View Full Record

- Kennedy, George
- 2007.1.113
- George Kennedy's interview is very short, but contains several humorous poems and songs. He also tells the story of how he rolled a dice to convince a woman to marry him.
Mabel Kennedy's interview took place during the week after May 18, 1980. S... View Full Record

- Knapp, Bessie
- 2007.1.15
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The early beginnings of settlement in the Grande Ronde Valley, boardwalks, domestic family life, laundry, sewing, and World War I.
Look for more IMAG... View Full Record

- Lemon, Mary Jo
- 2007.1.114
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: Teaching elementary school, the Episcopal Church, family, active community involvement, the EOU Alumni Association, and Mary Jo's mother, Betty Peck working... View Full Record

- Lemon, Terry
- 2007.1.115
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: The Real Estate business, property management, service in the National Guard, membership in the EOU Foundation President's Club, playing piano in a couple o... View Full Record

- Leonard, Roy
- 2007.1.116
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Dairy farming, milking, travel, and a lifetime of involvement in numerous organizations, such as the Rural Fire District, the Cemetery District, the Goo... View Full Record

- Lester, Carrol
- 2007.1.117
- This interview contains memories largely related to a lifetime of work for the railroads in the Signal Department.... View Full Record

- Lillard, Ken
- 2007.1.118
- This interview contains memories largely related to a lifetime of work in the radio industry. Ken started working for KLBM radio as a disc jockey, and then after becoming familiar with the various aspects of broadcasting, he bought the station. He... View Full Record

- Lilly, Ken
- 2007.1.119
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Working in local schools both as a teacher and as a principal, early men's softball teams, the Great Depression, warrants that were used as payment duri... View Full Record

- Loree, Erma
- 2007.1.120
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Owning, operating, and cooking for the Minam Lodge, cooking for the Episcopal Ascension School and the Hot Lake Nursing Home, marriage at an early age,... View Full Record

- Lovan, Bill
- 2007.1.30
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, World War I, World War II, dairy farming, including Lovan's Dairy, family, hunting, fishing, various automobiles, and local businesses... View Full Record

- Mackie, David
- 2007.1.121
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Teaching Industrial Arts classes, home schooling, rototilling gardens, the Cove Community Association, and meeting his wife and a potluck at Riverside P... View Full Record

- Magee, Donald
- 2007.1.122
- This interview contains memories largely related to a lifetime of work in the Postal Service. Donald started his career in La Grande as a Postal Clerk, and then after numerous transfers to various Oregon and Washington locations, he came back to La... View Full Record

- Maldonado, Audrey
- 2007.1.126
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Local stores, shops, and hotels, hanging out laundry next to the train tracks, flooding, La Grande Electric, divorce, golf, and the Youth Activities Pro... View Full Record

- McCall, Frances
- 2007.1.123
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Numerous mention of local stores, like the one where Frances worked, Keith O'Brien's, golfing at the Country Club, her husband's work for the railroad,... View Full Record

- McKenzie, Glen
- 2007.1.16
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Summerville, OR, the T.T. Glenn Farm, early telephones systems, farming, newspapers and magazines.
Look for more IMAGES in the EDITED transcription.... View Full Record

- Miller, Veda
- 2007.1.124
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Schools, craftwork, ailments, and the Hot Lake Sanitarium.... View Full Record

- Minthorn, Armand
- 2007.1.125
- This interview contains memories mainly related to Native Americans in the Grande Ronde Valley. Various tribes, traditions, artifacts, archealogical findings, and burial sites are discussed.... View Full Record

- Montgomery, Elaine
- 2007.1.127
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The story in the 1912 Chieftan of the shooting of Elaine's father which left him paralyzed. Old Town, Chinatown, and numerous mention of local people,... View Full Record

- Morehead, Alice
- 2007.1.128
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Oregon Trail, Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers, Daughters of the American Revolution, living at the Mt. Emily Lumber Camp - Camp Elkanah, Nursi... View Full Record

- Morgan, Bud
- 2007.1.129
- This interview contains memories mainly related to the outdoors and wildlife in northeastern Oregon. Numerous animals, waterways, and natural locations are mentioned.... View Full Record

- Morris, Manford
- 2007.1.130
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Morris' Century Farm, local schools, the Pioneer Train, road grading, and the guilt in stealing one piece of gum which was immediately returned.... View Full Record

- Muller, Marilyn
- 2007.1.131
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Rainbow Girls, Girl's League, growing up in La Grande, playing the piano and organ, working as an accompanist at EOU, Marilyn's father Dr. Roy L. Skeen,... View Full Record

- Oberteuffer, Bill
- 2007.1.132
- This interview contains memories largely related to timber and land conservation. Bill and his wife were teachers for many years, and they also farmed forest acreage. After retiring from working the land, he donated a portion of the property to the... View Full Record

- Oliver, Emery
- 2007.1.17
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Numerous Oliver family members, local schools, churches, the Great Depression, and service in the U.S. Navy.
Today, at age 92, Emery still enjoys goi... View Full Record

- Osterloh, Eros
- 2007.1.133
- This interview contains memories largely related to teaching Astronomy, Biology, Botany, and Earth Science to La Grande High School students over the years. Numerous field trips which involved backpacking, camping, and fishing that were taken to sce... View Full Record

- Parker, Marj
- 2007.1.134
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Her husband's service in Germany during World War II, volunteering at Grande Ronde Hospital with the Pink Ladies, flying accidents, living in a log cabi... View Full Record

- Parks, Justine
- 2007.1.135
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Running a grocery store, butchering meat, selling eggs, Good Sams, the VFW, being Yearbook Queen, being the only one in her family that was born in a ho... View Full Record

- Paroz, Leon & Mary
- 2007.1.136
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Working as a machinist in various industries, such as logging, railroad, and construction, working as a telephone operator, rock crushing, early area sc... View Full Record

- Patten, Charles
- 2007.1.137
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Flying kites on the Inlow Hall hill, Ackerman School, Patten's Market, Downtown Merchants, restoring antique automobiles, and membership in the Restorat... View Full Record

- Paul, Gene
- 2007.1.138
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Descriptions of research on the Douglas-fir tussock moth, the spruce budworm, and dendrochronology; working for the Forest Service, Union and Baker Coun... View Full Record

- Peck, Betty
- 2007.1.139
- This interview contains memories largely related to employment at Eastern Oregon College. Betty worked as Secretary to the President, was personally acquainted with quite a few of the well-known faculty members and Presidents, and went to a number o... View Full Record

- Perry, Elmer
- 2007.1.19
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, World War II, the Mormon church, various local endeavors, local theaters, and small-scale inventions.
The first interviews were... View Full Record

- Petersen, Marian
- 2007.1.140
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Celebrating Scottish descent, nursing, Beta Sigma Phi, working in the Education & Training Office for the VA, numerous local businesses, and cleaning tr... View Full Record

- Pipes, Anita
- 2007.1.21
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Family, local businesses, the lumber industry, dairy farming, and Anita's love for playing the violin.
Look for more IMAGES in the EDITED transciptio... View Full Record

- Rankin, Patrick & Charlotte
- 2007.1.141
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Farming, higher education degrees, World War II, movies, the First Christian Church, riding the train to go fishing, and roller skating.
The first in... View Full Record

- Ricker, Myron
- 2007.1.142
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Davis Dam, fishing with a grab hook or a pitchfork, gill nets, salmon, beaver, and the Union flood.... View Full Record

- Roberson, Field
- 2007.1.143
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Field's love of Christ and God, religion, churches, local murders, and a lifetime of numerous handy-man, janitorial, and landscaping jobs.... View Full Record

- Roe, Warren
- 2007.1.144
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Establishment of a Union Museum, working for the Social Security Administration, being a volunteer EMT, and direct involvement with numerous aspects of... View Full Record

- Rose, Dave
- 2007.1.145
- This interview contains memories largely related to a lifetime of working for the railroad as a brakeman and as an engineer.
Look for more IMAGES in the EDITED transcription.... View Full Record

- Royes, George
- 2007.1.22
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, farming, irrigation, livestock, the U.S. Army, the Korean War, and education at various colleges and universities.
The first intervi... View Full Record

- Sanderson, Lyle & Elma
- 2007.1.24
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: World War I, Prohibition, local schools and universities, Evensong, agriculture, dairy farming, and churches.
Look for more IMAGES in the EDITED transcri... View Full Record

- Sands, Donna
- 2007.1.146
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Deep family ties to Oregon, the Oregon Trail, Cove history, genealogy traced back to Wales, education at Eastern Oregon College of Education, and teachi... View Full Record

- Scott, Edith
- 2007.1.23
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: World War I, World War II, the Great Depression, secretarial work, railroads, sewing, and a post office shooting in 1917.
... View Full Record

- Simmons, Leora
- 2007.1.147
- ... View Full Record

- Slack, Clifton
- 2007.1.148
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: A lifetime talent with horses, the Pendleton Round-up, team pinning, the Happy Canyon show, breaking both of his arms at the same time, being shot, and... View Full Record

- Smith, Mary Lee
- 2007.1.176
- This interview contains memories mostly related to family and raising children. After her children got older, Mary Lee also worked in a number of odd jobs.... View Full Record

- Smutz, Walter
- 2007.1.150
- This interview contains memories related to a a number of various subjects, some of which include: Farming, harvesting hay, show horses, obtaining firewood, driving at an early age, and working for the Pacific Intermountain Express and Boise Cascade... View Full Record

- Stearns, Mae
- 2007.1.5
- Jim Bennett is the nephew of Mae Stearns. His memories of his aunt are largely related to her lifetime work as a photographer.
Look for more IMAGES in the EDITED transcription.... View Full Record

- Stoop, Opal
- 2007.1.149
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Working as a waitress and cab driver, membership in the Eagles Club, serving as Eagles State President, taking care of her family during the small pox e... View Full Record

- Stuart, Maxine Conley
- 2007.1.151
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Boiling laundry and using a wringer washer long after electric ones were available, Maxine's ancestor, A. B. Conley coming to the area by wagon train fr... View Full Record

- Sudbrock, Mona
- 2007.1.152
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Being and older Emeritus at the First Christian Church, the VFW Auxiliary, quarantine for childhood illnesses, numerous local schools and businesses, se... View Full Record

- Taal, Wesley
- 2007.1.153
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Logging, railroading, working on a crew building roads, living at the Mt. Emily Logging Camp, canning meat, Crystal Plunge and the unfortunate electrocu... View Full Record

- Talbott, Mary
- 2007.1.154
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Hiking with a friend down into Idaho and Wyoming, sleeping in a steamer trunk, stomping cabbage for sauerkraut and grapes for wine, her large family of... View Full Record

- Talbott, William
- 2007.1.155
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Trouble-making as a boy, Prohibition and bootleggers, Old Town, La Grande businesses, cemeteries near the Inlow Hall hill, and wiring such buildings as... View Full Record

- Taylor, Richard
- 2007.1.156
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Involvement with a number of organizations over the years, such as FFA, the Blue Mt. Grange, the Island City Lion's Club, and the Union County Historica... View Full Record

- Terry, Robert
- 2007.1.157
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Racial relations, segregation, jobs that brought African Americans to the Grande Ronde Valley, teaching, Eastern Oregon College Alumni, athletics, Lafay... View Full Record

- Terry, Wallace
- 2007.1.158
- This interview contains memories largely related to many years of working as a gyppo horse logger throughout the forests of northeastern Oregon.
The first interviews were conducted on October 20th and 27th, 2004.... View Full Record

- Thew, Richard
- 2007.1.159
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Teaching, coaching sports, time in the U.S. Navy, civil rights demonstrations, earning a Master's of Divinity degree at the Episcopal Theological School... View Full Record

- Trice, Dorothy
- 2007.1.18
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Local chuches, family, and schooling.
Look for more IMAGES in the EDITED transcription.... View Full Record

- Trump, Orval
- 2007.1.160
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Diesel engineering, serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II where the LST he was stationed on was torpedoed, subsequent injuries, growing up in Elg... View Full Record

- Trump, Ray
- 2007.1.161
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Logging, numerous dangers and work-related accidents in the timber industry, leg amputation, Daniel's Funeral Parlor, and the Box Factory.... View Full Record

- Tubbs, Frances
- 2007.1.162
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Being widowed at a young age when her husband, a State Policeman was shot while attempting to apprehend a criminal, raising two daughters as a single mo... View Full Record

- Van Blockland, Mildred
- 2007.1.25
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: Eastern Oregon Normal School, orchestras, dairy and agriculture, canning, reading, pageants, and music lessons.... View Full Record

- Van Schoonhoven, John
- 2007.1.164
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Getting his teaching degree at Eastern Oregon College of Education, being part of the International School in Tokyo, Japan, working for the National Edu... View Full Record

- Vannice, Nellie
- 2007.1.163
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: The Great Depression, raising sheep and lambs, teaching music, Music Therapy, a home in North Powder, OR, and meeting her husband when he bought her bas... View Full Record

- Voelz, James
- 2007.1.165
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Piloting and testing airplanes for the U.S. Air Force, attending Eastern Oregon College of Education and then transferring to OSU for a degree in Agricu... View Full Record

- Voruz, Dortha
- 2007.1.26
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: World War I, World War II, local school positions, sports, and various clubs, organizations, and events.
The first two interviews took place on April 30... View Full Record

- Webster, Gary & Bernice
- 2007.1.166
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: World War II, cattle, livestock judging, farming, the 1973 fire, Burnt River Canyon, racism, politics, and numerous organizations, such as FFA, Farm Bur... View Full Record

- Weimer, Faye
- 2007.1.167
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Farms, sleigh rides, cabins, Draper's Business School, working for Western States Grocery, LDS, dances, and adopting special needs children.... View Full Record

- Westenskow, Verda
- 2007.1.168
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Heniger's Business College, Salt Lake City, LDS, numerous church positions, family missionaries, Imbler Cash Store, and Westenskow-Nebeker Real Estate I... View Full Record

- Williamson, Wayne
- 2007.1.169
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Pioneers, homesteading, Stanford Law School, playing Aunt Polly in "Tom Sawyer," Willie Torrance, the Pendleton Round-up, and a 1985 Observer article fo... View Full Record

- Winslow, Fred
- 2007.1.170
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: An extensive list of former La Grande businesses, especially grocery stores, working for Modern Laundry, driving taxi, vandalism, the Camera Club, 1964... View Full Record

- Woodell, Clifford
- 2007.1.171
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Cooking in and running a cafe, delivering eggs, delivering freight, running an ambulance service, working for Hand Ford Sales, racing cars, having a wes... View Full Record

- Young, Barbara
- 2007.1.173
- This interview contains memories mostly related to being a stay-at-home mom and raising children. Barbara has a biological son and a step-child, both with learning disabilities. Her children competed in the Special Olympics, and today her son lives... View Full Record

- Young, Gerald
- 2007.1.172
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Orchards and peddling fruit, raising foxes, the ice business, the Christian Science Church, attending EOCE, earning a doctorate degree from Oregon State... View Full Record

- Young, Lola
- 2007.1.20
- This interview contains memories related to a number of various subjects, some of which include: Local churches, local businesses, and family.
The four interviews conducted were on December 4, 2001; January 10, February 4, and February 20, 2002.... View Full Record

- Zacharias, Gere
- 2007.1.174
- This interview contains memories mainly related to the gradual loss of Gere's vision from Retinitis Pigmentosa. Never seeming to let blindness get in her way, Gere experienced life with a courageous zeal. She joined clubs, rode a bicycle, walked ev... View Full Record

- Zaugg, Stuart
- 2007.1.27
- This interview contains memories related to a wide range of subjects, some of which include: World War I, World War II, rationing, the Hot Lake fire, fire fighting, creameries and butter making, and various local government positions in Union, OR.
... View Full Record
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