Overdue & Lost Materials
Lost or Damaged Library materials
The borrowing library patron is financially responsible for lost, stolen, or severely damaged library materials and/or equipment. Materials cannot be purchased from the library. Library charges for lost or damaged items are as follows:
- $75.00 minimum charge (lost item)
- Charge to be determined (damaged item)
- A $15.00 non-refundable processing fee will be assessed for each item declared lost/damaged. In addition, the borrowing library patron is also responsible for the replacement cost of each item damaged or not returned, and the amount of the overdue fine incurred prior to the item being reported lost or damaged.
Overdue Library Materials
Overdue days are counted from the first day the material becomes overdue to the day the material was returned to the library. Days on which the library is closed are not counted. To ensure maximum availability of materials, the library collects overdue fines from patrons who do not return materials within the prescribed loan period. The purpose of imposing a fine is to encourage the prompt return of all materials to the library. Patrons receive two overdue notices via email. All patrons with materials which are 21 days overdue receive a final bill for the replacement cost plus processing fee and any accrued overdue fines. Borrowing privileges may be blocked until the debt is fulfilled. The library reserves the right to order a similar work in the subject area as a replacement.
If overdue material is returned and charges have been paid before the library has replaced the
item, a refund will be issued for replacement charges. If the material has been billed and not
paid, replacement charges will be reversed if the library has not replaced the item. In these
cases the accrued overdue fine will not be waived and must be paid.
Overdue Fine charges per item type:
● $0.50 per hour (materials on hourly reserve)
● $1.00 per day (materials on daily reserve)
● $1.00 per day (audiovisual materials: DVD, VHS, CD, etc.)
● $0.50 per day (all other materials)
● $20.00 per item (maximum fine*)
*Upon reaching the $20.00 maximum fine the item status becomes ‘lost’ and an additional
$15.00 processing charge will be automatically assessed.
Debt Collection
All monies owing are collected in the Student Accounts Office. A library patron’s borrowing
privileges may be suspended until all library obligations are resolved.
Patrons with a history of delinquent borrowing habits from any of the most recent three terms
may be limited to having a maximum of five items checked out simultaneously during
subsequent terms. This limitation will be in effect until removed by the Circulation Supervisor
or Library Director.
Students’ grades and transcripts are placed on hold by the Student Accounts Office until
obligations are resolved. Library patrons wishing to dispute fines or other library obligations
should appeal to the Circulation Supervisor or Library Director.