Eastern Oregon University

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Della and Robert Burgess Research Paper Award

About the Award and Application Information

This award, initiated in 2019, is given by the library for an outstanding research paper. The award is open to all EOU undergraduate students. Research papers are judged by the library instruction team. The award will be announced online, and $250.00 will be presented to the winner.

Winning papers will demonstrate effective organization, use, and attribution of information. The quality of sources as well as the overall quality of writing and presentation, will be considered. Special attention will be paid to papers that demonstrate unusual depth or breadth in the use of library services, staff, and collections.


  • Research for the paper must have been conducted by an individual student, not from group work. 
  • Research papers must have been written by the same student during the current academic year. 
  • Only undergraduate students are eligible for this award.

Application Deadline: May 25

Submit digital packet to research-paper-award@eou.edu with subject line: Research Paper Award

Applications for the award will not be considered until the entire submission packet is received by the library. Students should submit the following in one email submission:

  • Research paper in Microsoft Word format
  • Copy of course assignment
  • Reflective essay describing your research process, use of library services, staff, and collections. (500-750 words)
  • Authorization to retain/exhibit form (linked below)
  • Faculty verification (signature on Authorization form or separate email to research-paper-award@eou.edu)

Research Paper Award Authorization Form – PDF

2024 Research Paper Award Winner

The library is happy to announce the winner of the 2024 Research Paper Award. This paper exemplifies not only high-quality writing but also appropriate and effective use of information resources. Congratulations!

2024 Winner

Jill Morris – Exploring Definitions and Stereotypes of Bisexuality

Past Winners

Winners from previous years can be viewed here.